Summer FOMO and Depression: Understanding the Mental Health Connection

Summer is a time when a good portion of people go on vacation, gather with friends, and otherwise have a good time. For those of us who are stuck at home, it can lead to summer FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out). Sometimes, we don't have the money, the time, or the childcare to be able to join in the fun. However, FOMO isn't normally a big deal; it's just a feeling. But when you add in depression or anxiety, FOMO can spiral out of control.

The feeling of being left out and inadequate can heighten in the summer due to, you guessed it, social media. All of the happy posts, beach pictures, and vacation memories can make you feel even worse about yourself and your current situation. It's like playing a game of compare and despair. The more you look, the worse it gets. So, how do FOMO and depression collide?

For some, the Depression is Already There and Summer FOMO Just Makes it Worse.

Shows someone putting their head on their bed due to being tired. Represents how a depression therapist in nashville, tn will support them in combatting summer SAD. In person or via online therapy nashville!

Perhaps, you already struggle with depression or you're one of the individuals who experiences SAD in the summer. Summer FOMO can amplify those depressive symptoms. If you're already feeling as if you don't want to leave the house or you can't find the energy to do anything, summer FOMO can add fuel to that fire. You're feeling as if your friends are off having the time of their lives, while you're stuck at home. Your depression could be telling you false stories, like you'll never be able to go on vacation or everyone will forget about you. Then you see the pictures on social media? To your brain, this confirms those negative beliefs.

Other individuals may already be anxious, especially if they are introverted or are feeling overwhelmed with work and children. Speaking to your friends about what they're doing can make it worse. They're telling you all about their fabulous trips and you can't help but feel left behind in comparison. You're struggling with your anxiety and depression, and now? You feel like you can't measure up. You're left looking at their pictures, wondering why you can't have a break too.

For Others, Summer FOMO can Lead to the Onset of Depression

Shows someone on their phone in bed. Represents how online therapy nashville can support individuals with doomscrolling that adds to their depression. Learn more about depression therapy in nashville, tn today!

It's always hard when you feel like you can't do something because it's too expensive or you don't have childcare. But when you see others doing it, it can make the feeling of missing out even worse. It can also cause you to spiral into negative thinking and thoughts of inadequacy. This can make you feel like you're not working hard enough, not contributing enough, or not providing your family with the best life possible.

Summer FOMO has the power to make us feel inadequate and lonely. Technology doesn't exactly help with that either. If you're doomscrolling and on your phone all the time, it's not going to make you feel any better about yourself. Now, don't get me wrong, technology can be beneficial. It can allow us to connect with our friends and family, but it can also make us feel isolated. It can lead to the dreaded doom-scrolling and a feeling of being left out. When you keep seeing everyone in their vacation pictures, it can bring up a lot of negative feelings.

So, What Do You Do?

Shows someone going on a hike with their dog. Represents how a depression therapist in nashville, tn might suggest doing activities that make you happy to overcome summer FOMO. Learn more about depression therapy in nashville, tn at Vitus Counseling

FOMO and depression can lead to a slippery slope of downward thinking. It's hard enough when you're stuck inside, but it can be even worse when you feel like everyone else is out having a good time. The key to overcoming summer FOMO and depression is to find a way to do something for yourself. Whether it's taking up a hobby, reading books, or having virtual hangouts with friends, you need to find the time to "do you".

Just like your friends who are on their vacations, spend time doing what makes you happy. It doesn't matter if it's as grand as a beach getaway, or something smaller like choosing to take your lunch break outside. Anything you can do to make yourself feel more fulfilled and confident will go a long way. Want to go swimming but can't afford a trip to Cancun? Take your family to the nearest lake or pool and make your own fun. Are you looking at pictures of your friends having a grand time in Europe? Think of what you would want to do, if money and travel were not an issue. Then find something that you can do with the resources and means that you do have.

The most important thing to remember is that we all experience FOMO differently. Your friends may be on vacation, but they may see you at home with your kids or working hard and wish they could have that. Comparison is the thief of joy, so try to focus on what you have instead of feeling envious of what others have. Summer FOMO and depression can be difficult to deal with, but if you find time for yourself, it will make all the difference.


Take a break from doomscrolling, and fill that time with activities that make you feel good. Summer FOMO can be a difficult emotion to deal with, but it doesn't have to hold you back. Stu Cook at Vitus Counseling is a depression therapist in Nashville, TN who can help you beat summer FOMO and depression. With the right support, you can get back to feeling confident and secure in yourself. If you are ready to start your therapy journey you can follow these simple steps:

  1. Contact me at or (615)-709-5779.

  2. Set up a free consultation call and learn more about my approach to counseling.

  3. Start Doing You and Working with Me to Start Enjoying Summer!


At Vitus Counseling, I offer a range of counseling services to support you with depression or any feelings that may be keeping you from enjoying summer. Or any part of the year for that matter! I specialize in therapy for trauma or PTSD, as well as for anxiety and depression. Additionally, I provide addiction treatment for those seeking support for substance abuse. Vitus Counseling is located in Brentwood, TN outside of Nashville. However, I also offer online counseling to anyone living within the state of Tennessee, so I can offer you support even if you cannot make it to my clinic. You don't have to succumb to summer FOMO and depression. With the right help, you can get back to feeling confident and secure in yourself.