Depression Around the Holidays: Why Does it Happen and How Can I Cope?

The holidays are thought to always be a joyful time, but for some, it can be the complete opposite. Some people may wonder why they or others feel depressed around the holidays when it's supposed to be the "most wonderful time of the year." For some people, many reasons can factor into why they feel depressed during the holidays.

It can be hard to come to terms with feeling down during the holidays when everyone else seems to be happy. Whether it's from stress, grief, or guilt these feelings can be very overwhelming. However, there are ways to help you cope.

Why Do People Feel Depressed Around the Holidays?

There are many reasons that could make you or others feel depressed during the holidays. The holidays are said to be a joyful time, but they can also be a trigger for depression. It can bring up unresolved feelings of loss or grief. It can be a reminder of happy times with people who are no longer around, which can make the holidays very difficult. Or, it can put a strain on relationships that are already difficult. Here are some common reasons people may feel depressed around the holidays.


Shows a man and a woman going over finances. Represents how depression therapy in Brentwood, TN can support you during financial stress and depression during the holidays.

The holidays can be a very stressful time for many people. This can be financial stress from having to book travel, buy gifts, or pay for holiday parties. It can be the stress of having to spend time with family members that you don't get along with, don't see often, or have difficult relationships with. It can even be the stress of having to plan all the holiday festivities and make sure everything is perfect.

All of this stress can lead to feeling overwhelmed by all aspects of the holiday season. You might be anxious because you have to travel or be in a situation that isn't ideal or feeling depressed because you're not looking forward to the holiday season.

Thinking About the New Year

The time before the new year is often a time of reflection. However, this reflection can lead to feeling down about the past year. You may be thinking about all the goals you didn't accomplish or things that went wrong. It can also be a reminder of all the changes that have happened in the past year, which can be difficult to process. All of this reflection can lead to feeling depressed and discouraged about the upcoming year.


The most joyful time of the year can also be the most difficult time of year if you've lost a loved one. This time can be a reminder of what you're missing and can be very difficult to get through. Seeing happy family pictures or watching holiday movies can be a trigger for your grief, leading you to feel depressed and alone during the holiday season.

Shame and Guilt

It's normal to feel shame and guilt around feeling depressed during the holidays. You may feel like you're supposed to be happy because it's the wonderful time of year. Or, you may feel like you're not doing enough to make this time of the year special. However, it's okay to not feel jolly during the holidays. But, it's understandable that the shame and guilt around these feelings can make it worse.

Tips for Coping from a depression therapist

Feeling depressed around the holidays happens to more people than you may think. However, not everyone knows how to cope with these feelings. Here are some tips to help you get through the holiday season.

Remember That This Is Temporary

Shows a man rejoicing in the sun. Represents how a depression therapist in Brentwood, TN will help you get through the holiday and winter depression.

The depression you're feeling around the holidays is only temporary. It may last for a few days or even a few weeks. But, it will eventually end. Not only will the new year come but spring and warmer weather too. Things will get better. However, if you're struggling, it's okay to seek help from a therapist or counselor. They will help you get through this tough time.

Put Yourself First

This may seem the reverse of the ideas of giving and being selfless around the holidays. But, it's important to put yourself first during this time, acknowledging all the pressure you are feeling from the societal expectation of being happy during the holidays to the pressure family may be putting on you. It's okay to say no to things that you don't want to do or can't handle. It's okay to uphold your boundaries and create new ones to protect yourself.

Have an Exit Strategy

If you find yourself in a situation with family that is toxic, tense, or even less than ideal, it's okay to have an exit strategy. This could look like having a friend or close family member you can call to come and pick you up if things get too overwhelming. It could be making plans to leave early or even taking your own car so you don't have to be stuck. You also do not have to stay with your family. You can stay in a hotel or even rent an Airbnb. The most important thing is that you do what's best for you and your mental health.

Find Community and Make it Strong

Shows a group holding hands around a Bible. Represents how depression therapy in brentwood, tn will support you finding a community.

Finding a community around the holidays and strengthening it can be a great way to cope. This could look like finding friends who are in similar situations as you or even attending holiday events that have people with similar interests. This can help you feel less alone and give you a sense of support. This can be at your local church where there are events around the holidays that you can attend.

By having a community to lean on you can get through this tough time. But also by strengthening it, you will have the support you need to engage in any situations that might be stressing you out, such as engaging with toxic family members.

Attitude of Gratitude

One way to help lessen some of the negative feelings you may have around the holidays is to focus on gratitude. By letting go of your grudges and resentments, this will help you feel lighter and at ease. Practice gratitude regularly, whether it's by making a list of what you're thankful for or even just taking time each day to think of one thing you're grateful for. This can help shift your focus and make the holiday season more positive. It can also be a way to ease yourself into being more self-compassionate. Giving yourself more compassion will help you feel better about yourself and your situation.

The holiday season doesn't have to be happy all the time or perfect. It's okay to feel down and out during this time. However, by using these tips recommended by a depression therapist in Brentwood, TN you can find ways to cope and even enjoy the holiday season a bit more.


Being depressed during a season known to be merry and bright can be really tough. However, having depression should not stop you from living your life and enjoying this time of year. Depression therapy with Vitus Counseling will help you find ways to cope with your depression and even find some enjoyment in the holiday season. If you’re ready to begin working with a depression therapist, follow these steps:

  1. Submit a contact form on my website or reach out by emailing or calling (615)-709-5779.

  2. Learn more about me and my counseling services

  3. Celebrate the holidays your way!


As a therapist, I know that struggling with depression may not be the only thing on your mind. Life is full of stress and there are a lot of other things going on that may be causing you distress. This is why I also offer counseling for anxiety, addiction, OCD, trauma and more. I offer a range of counseling services at my practice Vitus Counseling located in Brentwood, TN to help my clients through the various challenges they may be experiencing. I also offer online therapy to anyone in the state of Tennessee. I'm here to provide light to dark places.