You obsess over your worries.

You have scary thoughts that won’t leave your mind, no matter how hard you try; They have taken over, and it has become so bad that you can’t be present in the current moment.

Perhaps, you worry about being good enough for others or good enough for God. Maybe, you worry about getting all your work done and obsess over if you will have time to finish everything on your to-do list. Or maybe, you are worried about your health or the health of the people you love the most.

The Constant Hum of Worry

A woman sits next to a window as she stares out. This could represent being lost in thought. Treatment for OCD in Germantown, TN can provide support. Contact an OCD therapist to learn about online OCD therapy in Tennessee.

You want to turn your brain off and let go of your worries, but you need help. The good news is that support is available. Treatment for OCD in Brentwood, TN can help you overcome your struggles with Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD). An OCD therapist can help give you the freedom to take back control of your mind so you can live a happier life.

What is an Obsession and What is a Compulsion?

Obsession: An obsession is a worry or thought that enters your mind. Sometimes these thoughts seem to come out of nowhere, and other times you’ve dealt with them for a while. When these thoughts start, it can feel impossible to focus on anything else or complete your daily tasks. But, ignoring these thoughts can cause debilitating anxiety. It can even lead to meltdowns where you’re left unable to function.

Compulsion: A compulsion is a behavior that you must do to get rid of the anxiety you feel around your obsession. Oftentimes you won’t find relief from your anxiety until you’ve met the urge to carry out your compulsion. Then, a person often becomes dependent on their compulsions to provide relief from the turmoil they are dealing with.

When obsessions and compulsions work together, over time it becomes a vicious cycle. This cycle can interfere with your ability to live life and cause you great distress. It can become hard to get out of without support. If you are struggling, it may be time to seek help from an OCD therapist in Brentwood, TN.

Symptoms of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)

OCD doesn’t always present itself the way it’s portrayed in the media. There are so many different types of fears that cause compulsive behavior. Compulsive behavior can include obsessive worrying or behaviors that try and bring relief from your fears.

Although OCD looks very different from person-to-person, common signs of OCD include:

A man holds a pencil to his forehead as gears symbolize his cluttered mind. Treatment for OCD in Germantown, TN can help calm your mind. Contact an OCD therapist in Germantown, TN for info on treating OCD.
  • Unwanted and intrusive thoughts or worries

  • Excessive worry that you may lose control and hurt yourself or others

  • Fear of contamination (fear of germs or getting sick)

  • Sense of impending doom

  • A strong urge to do things in a very specific way

  • Daily rituals you must complete

  • Your obsessive and compulsive behavior interferes with your day-to-day life

  • Scrupulosity: excessive and obsessive fear about angering God or violating religious rules

  • Needing certain things to be in a particular order or look a certain way

  • Extreme need for things to be perfect

  • Frequently seeking reassurance from others

Understanding OCD and Treatment for OCD

First, I want you to know that OCD is common. In fact between 2 to 3 million adults in the US currently have OCD. I realize that taking the initial step and reaching out to break the OCD cycle can be scary. But, I am here to support you and help you gain control over your thoughts and actions.

As a Catholic counselor and OCD therapist, I have helped many people work through their OCD. Together, I work with clients to find relief from the vicious cycle they’ve been in for so long. I use a combination of evidence-based therapeutic approaches during treatment. Furthermore, I will be happy to work with your doctor, psychiatrist, or any other members of your care team. We will help ensure you get the best mental health care possible.

What Happens During Treatment for OCD in brentwood, TN

A smiling woman extends her hand for a handshake. This could represent an OCD therapist in Germantown, TN after treatment for OCD. Contact our practice for support with treating OCD. We offer online OCD therapy in Tennessee and other services.

My top priority is to help you notice your thoughts without judgment or trying to control them. Instead, I want you to accept them and let them go almost as if they are fluttering away out of your mind. Then, I will help you rebuild your life around behaviors that will help you best achieve your goals all while staying in line with your values. In short, I will help you move on from your compulsions. You deserve to give focus to your job, children, or the things you’re most passionate about.

Brainspotting for OCD

Sometimes, traditional talk therapy alone is not enough especially when you feel stuck in the vicious cycle of worry and compulsive behavior.

When this is the case, I recommend my clients try Brainspotting. Brainspotting for OCD removes the stigma that OCD is something that is within your control. Instead, it asserts that OCD is due to faulty wiring in your brain.

The idea behind brainspotting is that where you look affects how you feel.

When we start Brainspotting during treatment for OCD, I will note where you’re looking when you’re talking about your distressing thoughts and actions. Then, I will have you look at a “brainspot.” This will help you to access the specific thoughts making you feel unable to make progress.

Then, you will use Brainspotting to make your brain re-focus on pleasurable behaviors. This will help you form new circuits in your brain. These circuits will help you cope with anxious or distressing thoughts in a more healthy way.

In the end, the goal of Brainspotting is to help you process these stuck points in a different way. With Brainspotting, you can move forward in your life and find relief.

Begin Treatment for OCD in brentwood, TN or Online

Although overcoming OCD may feel like an insurmountable task, it is possible, and I can help. I offer counseling at my Brentwood, TN-based counseling clinic. I also offer online therapy in Tennessee. If you’re ready to begin counseling, follow these steps:

  1. Contact me by completing this form, emailing, or calling (615)-709-5779.

  2. Learn more about me, or set up a counseling appointment at my Brentwood, TN office or via online therapy.

  3. Start treatment for OCD, and overcome your anxious behaviors!

Other Services Offered By Stu Cook At Vitus Counseling

Treatment for OCD isn’t the only service I offer. I also offer a variety of counseling services in Brentwood, TN that are designed to provide light in the dark places. Mental health services include trauma treatment, Brainspotting, anxiety treatment, depression treatment, ADHD treatment, Catholic counseling, couples therapy, and family counseling. I also offer online therapy in Tennessee. For more relevant info, feel free to visit my blog, or contact me to learn more about the many ways I can help you heal!