Exploring the Link Between Perfectionism and Anxiety in Young Adults

The young adult stage is supposed to be a time of self-discovery and personal growth. However, now with the internet, social media, and the constant pressure to look perfect, this stage has become increasingly difficult for many individuals. Raised by the internet and smartphones, young adults have easy access to images of beauty standards that are nearly impossible to achieve.

It's no surprise then that young adults today are facing higher levels of anxiety than ever before. The constant comparison and pressure to live up to these unrealistic beauty standards can be overwhelming and damaging to one's self-esteem. So, is there a link between perfectionism and anxiety in young adults? And if so, how can we address it?

At The Tip of Your Fingertips: The Influence of Social Media on Beauty Standards

Shows a young adult at an interview. Represents how therapy for anxiety in nashville, tn via online therapy nashville can help you with your perfectionism.

Thanks to the internet, we now have access to an endless stream of images and videos featuring "perfect" individuals. From influencers promoting beauty products to fashion industry icons setting impossible standards, young adults are bombarded with these images daily. In fact, it's safe to say that your fingertips have been at the tips of beauty, influencers, and trends more than any Roman emperor or fashion industry icon in the past.

This can lead to constant exposure to unrealistic beauty standards, causing young adults to develop a distorted perception of what's considered "beautiful." The pressure to conform and meet these standards can result in increased anxiety, shame, and perfectionism. For instance, none of the beautiful women in the past would even be able to compete with the standards of beauty we see online today.

But Do You Realize How Long It Takes?

It's easy to get caught up in the comparison game and feel like we're not good enough. But, do you ever stop and think about how much effort goes into achieving these "perfect" looks? The truth is that many influencers and fashion icons have a team of professionals behind them to help them achieve their appearance.

They take the time to get ready, use filters and editing tools, and often get paid for promoting a certain beauty standard. This is not something that young adults should be expected to achieve on their own. It literally can take a team and a lot of time, which is not realistic for most individuals.

This Doesn't Just Go for Appearances

This can go for achievements and successes as well. It's not just about looking perfect but also about being perfect in every aspect of life. The pressure to have the perfect job, relationships, and lifestyle can also contribute to increased anxiety and perfectionism. It can be detrimental to one's mental health. There are expectations of where you should be at this phase in life, what you should have accomplished, and how you should look while doing it.

This constant pressure can lead to increased anxiety and feelings of inadequacy. Look at Matt Rife, a 28-year-old comedian. He is good-looking, talented, and successful. He owns a Tesla, but people tend to forget that even though he's been working hard for years this is not the norm for a 28-year-old. These unrealistic standards can create an unhealthy mindset, making individuals feel like they need to be perfect all the time.

It Creates an Unrealistic World

The expectations set by the internet and social media are often unattainable and can create a distorted perception of reality. This not only affects self-esteem but can also impact relationships and overall mental health. As a therapist in Nashville, TN, I see young adults struggling with anxiety, self-doubt, and perfectionism on a regular basis. They feel like they should be living up to these unrealistic beauty standards and achieving success at a young age, but in reality, that's not the case for most people.

They don't realize that the individuals on the internet who are the face of these standards have specifically curated and edited their content to portray a perfect image. This is not real life, and it's essential for young adults to understand that. It also makes people feel as if they can do things they wouldn't normally do in real life, like online bullying or striving for an unrealistic appearance.

They Only See the End Product

Shows Serena Williams celebrating. Represents how online therapy nashville with a therapist in brentwood, tn can help you see the hard work instead of just the end result.

We often only see the final result, not the process it took to get there. Take Serena Williams for example. She's a world-renowned tennis player, and many people look up to her for her talent and success. But what we don't see is the countless hours of practice, hard work, and dedication that she puts into her craft. We just see the end product, and this can make us feel like we're not doing enough or not good enough.

In reality, you have to try harder or train like Serena to achieve that level of success. You have to have goals, dreams, and high expectations. But it's important not to base them on the internet and social media. It's essential to set realistic expectations for yourself and understand that everyone's journey is different.

The Link Between Perfectionism and Anxiety

After all of the points mentioned above, it's clear that there is a link between perfectionism and anxiety in young adults. The pressure to meet unrealistic beauty standards and achieve success at a young age can lead to increased anxiety, fear of failure, and perfectionistic tendencies. It sets the expectation of "there is no room for mistakes" which can be incredibly damaging to one's mental health.

As a young adult, you may see your friends, peers, or strangers going to Ivy League schools or getting their dream job. But you may not see the hard work, sacrifices, and struggles they went through to get there. This can lead to feelings of inadequacy, imposter syndrome, and constant comparison. But what do you do when you feel like there's too much going on and not enough time to do anything?

Therapy for Anxiety in Nashville, TN is One Solution

Shows a young woman in therapy for anxiety in nashville, tn. Represents how online therapy nashville with a therapist in brentwood, tn can help you.

If you're feeling overwhelmed with the pressure to be perfect, know that it's normal. It's okay to take a step back and prioritize your mental health. For instance, seeking therapy for anxiety in Nashville, TN can provide you with a reality check and help you break free from the unrealistic standards set by society and social media.

A therapist in Nashville and Brentwood, TN can also help you develop coping mechanisms for when you feel overwhelmed or inadequate. They can teach you how to set realistic expectations, manage your perfectionism, and find balance in your life. Remember, there is no such thing as perfect, and comparing yourself to others on the internet will only hurt your mental health.


Don't let the pressure to be perfect consume you. Seek help from a therapist in Nashville and Brentwood, TN who specializes in working with young adults struggling with anxiety and perfectionism. In anxiety therapy, you can learn to set realistic expectations, manage stress and anxiety, and prioritize your mental health. You can gain the reality check you need and find balance in your life. With the support of a therapist in Nashville, TN, you can break free from the unhealthy mindset of perfectionism and find peace within yourself. At Vitus Counseling, Stu Cook is dedicated to helping young adults navigate the challenges that come with this phase of life. What are you waiting for? Follow these simple steps:

  1. Contact me at stucook@vituscounseling.com or (615)-709-5779.

  2. Set up a free consultation call and learn more about my approach to counseling.

  3. You Don't Need to Be Perfect, You Just Need to Be You!


At Vitus Counseling, I offer a range of counseling services to support young adults with any challenges they may be facing. At my Tennessee practice, I offer a variety of therapy and counseling services to ensure you can navigate this phase of your life with ease. I specialize in therapy for trauma or PTSD, as well as for anxiety and depression. Additionally, I provide addiction treatment for those seeking support for substance abuse. Vitus Counseling is located in Brentwood, TN outside of Nashville. However, I also offer online counseling to anyone in the state of Tennessee. You don't have to be perfect to be successful. Let's work together to find balance, manage your anxiety and perfectionistic tendencies, and prioritize your mental health.