The Benefits of Online Marriage Counseling

It's no secret that many people think marriage counseling is for relationships that are at their breaking point. But the truth is that marriage counseling can be a great way to proactively strengthen and stabilize your relationship for this year. It has many benefits that aren't just reserved for couples that are at risk of divorce.

Online marriage counseling is even more convenient than traditional marriage counseling. You can access counseling services from the comfort of your own home, and many couples find that this helps them to feel more comfortable expressing themselves. In this blog, we will explore the benefits of online marriage counseling and why it makes such a great tool for couples looking to better their relationship this year.

Stabilize and Strengthen Your Relationship

Shows a couple holding hands. Represents how online marriage counseling in tn can help strengthen your marriage and help it thrive.

One of the primary benefits of online marriage counseling is that it allows you to focus on stabilizing and strengthening your relationship. Online counseling can help you find ways that you and your spouse can work together to make your marriage work better. This could include conflict resolution techniques, ways of communicating more effectively, and strategies for developing a stronger relationship.

By developing a stronger relationship, you get better at loving your spouse and the better example and modeling of a healthy relationship you provide for your children. This way they grow up knowing what a healthy, solid relationship looks like and can avoid passing on the negative, damaging patterns of communication that were passed down to you.

Breaking Any Negative Patterns

Online marriage counseling can also help you break the cycle of damaging patterns in communication. This can be beneficial for your marriage but also kids notice more than you think. Working on your marriage and through effective and compassionate communication, you will be able to break communication cycles that were passed onto you. For example, maybe your mom nagged all the time or your dad was the one who avoided conversations and then would explode when overwhelmed.

Online marriage counseling can help you to identify these patterns and find ways to break them before they are passed down to future generations. In your sessions, your marriage counselor will help you and your spouse learn how to communicate clearly and compassionately to help reverse these patterns and will provide you with the tools to do so.

Learn Skills to Utilize

Shows a couple hugging out of joy. Symbolizes how online marriage counseling in tn can help you find coping skills to help you in your conflicts.

During marriage counseling, your counselor knows that you might not have all the skills needed for a long-lasting, healthy relationship. Even if you're a happy couple that is not on the brink of divorce, your counselor will be able to provide you with the tools and skills needed to make sure that your relationship remains healthy. You can learn skills like how to utilize clear and compassionate language toward each other.

For instance, using "I" statements instead of "you" statements can help to make sure that there is no blame or negative feelings being expressed. An "I" statement looks like this: “I feel frustrated when you do x.” This statement is more effective than “you make me so mad when you do x.” It expresses your feelings but doesn't place blame or judgment on your partner.

Another skill you will learn is the concept of "turning towards" instead of "turning away," which can be helpful. This means that when your partner is trying to connect with you, you should turn towards them and try to engage in the conversation instead of closing off or avoiding it; this creates a space for connection and growth in your relationship, and it allows for fostering trust and intimacy.

Learning to Self-Soothe When You're Overwhelmed

Shows a couple looking at online marriage counseling in TN. Represents how working with a marriage counselor in brentwood, tn will help you learn to self soothe in your marriage.

When you are overwhelmed, it can be hard to stay grounded in the present moment and respond to your partner in a way that is compassionate and clear. This may be due to underlying anxiety, or maybe you grew up in a house where everyone blew up all the time.

Online marriage counseling helps to teach you how to self-soothe when overwhelmed, instead of buying gifts in lieu of apologizing or avoiding the conversation entirely. You and your counselor can talk through why these feelings are coming up and how best to manage them in a way that allows you to still listen and respond to your partner in a compassionate way.

This will allow you to reverse any intergenerational trauma that you may have unknowingly been passing onto your children and set them up for success in their future relationships. It will also strengthen your marriage while also helping you to recognize and break any negative patterns of communication that have been passed down to you.


You don't have to be in a crisis to benefit from online marriage counseling. Whether you and your partner are looking to strengthen your relationship, learn new communication skills, or address any underlying issues, online marriage counseling can help. At Vitus Counseling, I specialize in helping couples reach their goals and create loving, lasting relationships. If you are ready to start your therapy journey you can follow these simple steps:

  1. Contact me at or (615)-709-5779.

  2. Set up a free consultation call and learn more about my approach to counseling.

  3. Begin the process of creating a healthier, happier future together!


At Vitus Counseling, I offer a range of services to support you and your loved ones on your journey to emotional and mental well-being. I specialize in therapy for trauma or PTSD, as well as for anxiety and depression. Additionally, I provide addiction treatment for those seeking support for substance abuse. Vitus Counseling is located in Brentwood, TN outside of Nashville. However, I also offer online counseling to anyone living within the state of Tennessee, so I can offer you support even if you cannot make it to my clinic. If you and your spouse are considering counseling, I am here to help. Together we can work to create the happy, healthy life you deserve.