The Influence of Family Support in Managing OCD Symptoms

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is a challenging mental health condition that affects approximately 2.3% of the world's population. It is characterized by recurring and unwanted thoughts (obsessions) and repetitive, ritualistic behaviors or mental acts (compulsions).

There are effective treatments available for OCD, such as cognitive-behavioral therapy and medication. But having a supportive family can significantly impact an individual's ability to manage their symptoms. In this blog, we will discuss the influence of family support in managing OCD symptoms.

The Role of Control in OCD and Perfectionism

Shows an individual with OCD. Represents how an ocd therapist in nashville, tn can support you. Search "ocd therapist brentwood, tn" for support today!

There is a lot of control involved in OCD, perfectionism, and even eating disorders. It is not uncommon to see parents who are overly controlling, trying to make their child perfect. This control can stem from a fear of embarrassment or shame if their child does not meet certain expectations. While it may come from a place of love and concern, this type of controlling behavior can be harmful to the individual struggling with OCD.

As parents, they don't want to feel any type of embarrassment or shame, which can lead to them trying to control their child's behavior and thoughts. However, this type of micromanaging can actually worsen OCD symptoms. Individuals with OCD already have a heightened sense of responsibility and fear of making mistakes. The added pressure from parents to be perfect can exacerbate these feelings and make it even more challenging for the individual to manage their symptoms.

Influence Them in a Positive Way, Not Control Them

Instead of trying to control their child's behavior and thoughts, parents should focus on influencing them in a positive way. This can look like creating a space within the family where there is no sweeping under the rug. Meaning that problems can be talked about and addressed in a calm, clear, and respectful manner. When individuals with OCD feel supported and understood by their family, it can help them to open up about their struggles and seek treatment.

In an environment where individuals feel comfortable talking about their OCD, they are less likely to engage in secretive behaviors or isolate themselves. This can lead to better communication within the family and a deeper understanding of how OCD affects their loved one. It also creates a place where any problems can be talked about in a calm and respectful manner, rather than causing heightened emotions.

Be Careful About Heightening, Don't Want Anyone to Get Ramped Up

Shows a person talking to their loved one. An OCD Therapist in Nashville, TN will support you with tips on how to discuss OCD. Search "OCD Therapist Brentwood, TN" to find support!

Being aware of how certain words or actions can heighten an individual's OCD symptoms is important for family members. It is essential to have open and honest communication, but it should be done in a way that does not trigger or worsen their loved one's OCD. This means being mindful of the language used when discussing their OCD and avoiding any judgment or criticism.

Family members can also support their loved one by ensuring they are taking their medication and working with an OCD therapist in Nashville, TN or an anxiety therapist in Nashville, TN regularly. Being an active participant in their treatment can show the individual that they have a strong support system and encourage them to continue seeking help.

The Importance of Family Therapy

For individuals with OCD who are children or teens, it is crucial to involve family therapy as part of their treatment plan. This type of therapy can help not only the individual but also the entire family. The health of the home is huge when it comes to managing OCD symptoms. And family support can make all the difference.

Through family therapy, everyone can learn how to cope with their own issues. And also navigate any problems that may have arisen within the family dynamic. It also provides a safe space for open communication and understanding of how OCD affects the individual and the family as a whole. Family therapy can be an invaluable tool in managing OCD symptoms and fostering a healthy and supportive environment for individuals with this condition.

It's Okay to Not Be Perfect

Remember, it's okay to not be perfect. Perfection is an unattainable and unrealistic expectation that can add unnecessary stress and pressure. Accepting imperfection means acknowledging that it's completely normal to have flaws and make mistakes. This acceptance can be a liberating experience. But it also helps to foster a healthier self-image and alleviating the anxiety that often accompanies OCD.

Family members can help to promote this message by modeling self-acceptance. Especially by not placing unrealistic expectations on their loved ones. Emphasize that everyone makes mistakes, and it's okay to learn and grow from them. By creating an environment of acceptance and understanding, individuals with OCD can feel supported in their journey towards managing their symptoms.

Do Not Use OCD Against the Individual

Finally, it is essential to never use an individual's OCD against them. Without proper understanding and education about this disorder, family members may unintentionally make comments or actions that can be detrimental to their loved one's well-being. It's really important to remember that OCD is not a choice. Individuals with this condition already struggle enough without feeling judged or misunderstood.

Instead of using their OCD against them, family members should use it as an opportunity to educate themselves. But also learn how they can support their loved one. This means avoiding comments like "just stop doing those rituals" or "you're just being silly." Instead, try to understand their perspective and offer compassion and support. By doing so, you can help your loved one feel seen, heard, and validated in their struggles.

Seek Support From an OCD Therapist in Nashville, TN

Shows an individual working with an OCD Therapist in Nashville, TN. Represents how therapists like a therapist Brentwood, TN can help your loved one.

Family members can struggle to understand their loved one's experience with OCD, and that is completely normal. Seeking support from an OCD therapist in Nashville, TN or an anxiety therapist in Nashville, TN can provide education and guidance all on how to best support the individual with OCD. It's essential to remember that taking care of oneself is just as important as supporting a loved one through their struggles.

A therapist can also help family members navigate their own feelings and emotions surrounding their loved one's OCD. Seeking support can make all the difference in managing and coping with this disorder as a family unit. Remember, it's not just the individual with OCD who needs support, but also their loved ones. So don't be afraid to reach out and seek help for your family.


OCD can have a profound impact on individuals and their families. But by creating a supportive and understanding environment within the family, individuals with OCD can feel empowered to seek treatment and to manage their symptoms. With the support of an OCD therapist in Nashville, TN, individuals can learn effective coping mechanisms and receive the necessary tools to manage their OCD. At Vitus Counseling, Stu Cook is a highly qualified and experienced OCD therapist in Nashville, TN. He is dedicated to supporting individuals and their families through their journey with OCD. If you're ready to seek professional help, follow these simple steps:

  1. Contact me at or (615)-709-5779.

  2. Set up a free consultation call and learn more about my approach to counseling.

  3. Let's work together towards healing and growth today!


At Vitus Counseling, I understand that managing OCD can be challenging, but know that you don't have to do it alone. In addition to treatment for OCD, I offer a variety of counseling services to address other mental health concerns. At my Tennessee practice, I offer a variety of therapy and counseling services to help you reach your mental health goals. These services include Catholic counseling, anxiety counseling, depression treatment, ADHD treatment, addiction treatment, trauma/PTSD treatment, Brainspotting, and marriage counseling. Vitus Counseling is located in Brentwood, TN outside of Nashville. However, I also offer online counseling to anyone in the state of Tennessee. You can gain support for yourself and your family through various counseling services offered at Vitus Counseling.