Finding the Right Therapist as a Couple Dealing With Anxiety in Nashville

Couples enter relationships never suspecting that anxiety will become an issue. Usually, when anyone thinks of anxiety, it's an individual issue, not something that can affect an entire marriage. But it can be, and it affects many couples. It can make couples feel as if one partner is too controlling or that the other partner isn't paying attention to them, and this can lead to a lack of trust and resentment within the relationship.

Finding the Right Couples Therapist Can Help Tremendously

That's why finding the right therapist for your relationship can greatly help in managing anxiety.  Just like in any other city, Nashville has various therapists available who can be a great help to couples facing anxiety. But, how do you find the right one? In this blog, we will discuss some tips for finding the right marriage counselor in Nashville or anxiety therapist in Nashville, TN, as both can help lessen the anxiety in marriage and possibly restore it to what it used to be.

A couple sits with  their backs to each other representing the avoidance of issues that can come with anxiety. Working with an Anxiety Therapist in Nashville, TN can help you reconnect.

How Does Anxiety Impact a Couple's Relationship or Marriage?

Just like constant conflict, anxiety can cause an immense amount of tension in a marriage. It causes partners to not see eye to eye, especially if only one partner has anxiety or if both partners’ anxiety manifests in different ways. Anxiety can contribute to a sense of chaos as it can cause problems in communication, decision-making, and more. One partner may feel anxious when it comes to conflict and the other partner may feel anxious when it comes to taking risks or making decisions.

Anxiety Can Lead to Avoidance

This can lead to avoidance when it comes to tackling tough issues or it can make the couple feel like they're stuck in a cycle of arguing, which is why it can be a huge predictor of marital instability and divorce. When anxiety is not managed, there can become too much of it in a marriage, and this can lead to flooding, which is when both partners become overwhelmed with anxiety and the marriage starts to feel out of control. In the end, couples are left with a lack of confidence in the marriage and negative thoughts and feelings about the marriage.

What Can a Marriage Counselor or Anxiety Therapist in Nashville, TN Do?

When a couple seeks support from either a marriage counselor or even an anxiety therapist, they will be able to learn more about anxiety. The counselor or therapist will use psychoeducation to help the couple learn more about what anxiety is and how it impacts the marriage. They will also be able to teach the couple coping skills as well as help them uncover what triggers the anxiety in their marriage.

A Safe Space to Communicate

As a couple, they will also have this space to safely talk about anxiety and its impact on the relationship. Each partner will be able to discuss their personal feelings and experiences with anxiety as it relates to the marriage. This will help create better understanding between both partners, which can help them create more effective coping strategies, build trust and strengthen the relationship.

A woman sits with her head in her hand due to anxiety related to her relationship.  Therapy for Anxiety in Nashville, TN can help you regain control.

Where Can Couples Find a Marriage Counselor or Anxiety Therapist in Nashville, TN?

There are various ways one can find a marriage counselor or anxiety therapist in Nashville, TN. Or, if you live outside of Nashville, many therapists are open to offering virtual sessions as well. As you may have guessed, looking on Google is a great way to see what counselors or therapists are near you along with what kind of services they offer. There are other online directories such as Psychology Today, TherapyDen, and even websites like the Gottman Institute or ICEEFT that offer certified marriage therapists who specialize in helping couples with anxiety.

Asking For Referrals Can be Helpful

Also, even asking friends, family, and coworkers for referrals can be helpful. Ultimately, the best way to find the right marriage counselor or anxiety therapist is to try different ones. This may seem overwhelming but it's the best way to find a great fit. Therapists will understand as they want to ensure the best results for you and your marriage as well.

What Can Couples Do to Help Deal With Anxiety Right Now?

Anxiety is overwhelming and finding the right therapist can sometimes take time. In the meantime, here are a few tips that you can do to help deal with anxiety in your marriage:

  • Find ways to soothe yourself when flooded, such as biofeedback or diaphragmatic breathing.

  • Read "Why Marriages Succeed or Fail" by John Gottman

  • Read "Hold Me Tight" by Sue Johnson

Couples Therapy Can Set You up for Long-Term Success

Ultimately, seeking support to address the anxiety in your marriage is essential for long-term success. Remember that you and your partner are in this together, and with the right therapist, you can find a way to work through the anxiety and have a healthier marriage. Anxiety doesn't have to be a deal breaker in your relationship; it can be managed and you can find ways to rebuild trust.

A couple sits on a rocky shore next to a lake representing a couple who has overcome relationship anxiety through Therapy for Anxiety in Nashville, TN.


You and your partner can make it through the chaos of anxiety and find peace in your marriage.    With the help of a therapist, you can develop better communication and understand more about what anxiety means for each of you. Stu Cook at Vitus Counseling is an anxiety therapist in Nashville, TN who can help you find the light in the darkness and help you to understand and manage the anxiety in your marriage. Your relationship can become stronger than it ever was and you can be happier together. If you are ready to start your therapy journey you can follow these simple steps:

  1. Contact me at or (615)-709-5779.

  2. Set up a free consultation call and learn more about my approach to counseling.

  3. Start the Road to a Better, Healthier Marriage!


At Vitus Counseling, I offer a range of counseling services to support you with your anxiety and any other challenges you may be facing. I specialize in therapy for trauma or PTSD, as well as for anxiety and depression. Additionally, I provide addiction treatment for those seeking support for substance abuse. Vitus Counseling is located in Brentwood, TN outside of Nashville. However, I also offer online counseling to anyone living within the state of Tennessee, so I can offer you support even if you cannot make it to my clinic. Your relationship can overcome the hurdles of anxiety, and you can find a better balance together.